Analyse & Kritik

Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory


"Norbert Hoerster"

Titel: Kritische Anmerkungen zu Ernst Tugendhats Konzept der Legitimität
Autor: Norbert Hoerster
Seite: 111-114

Abstract: According to Tugendhat's moral theory of legitimation the equal consideration of the interests of all is required. Tugendhat claims that this concept is the only one remaining as traditional forms of justification are no longer available. The author argues that Tugendhat's theory must fail because he tries to realize two contradictory aims: on the one hand that his principle of legitimation should not to be reduced to individual interests; on the other hand that it should be reached without any aprioristic presuppositions.

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Titel: Kindstötung und das Lebensrecht von Personen
Autor: Norbert Hoerster
Seite: 226-244

Abstract: According to the view of Peter Singer, only persons deserve a right to life. As a consequence, a human being can claim such a right only at a certain point of its postnatal development and there is no essential moral difference between infanticide and abortion. Against this view, it is argued that - even on the basis of personhood as the fundamental criterion there are convincing pragmatical reasons for attributing a right to life in social practice at the point of birth. It is also shown how this position can be combined with a morally satisfactory position on the important problem of the treatment of infants who are severely handicapped.

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Euthanasie heute - Thema oder Tabu?
1990 (12) Heft 2

Der australische Philosoph Peter Singer soll mit Gewalt zum Schweigen gebracht werden. Er hat mit der Euthanasie ein moralisches Problem zum Thema der öffentlichen Erörterung gemacht, das nach Meinung seiner deutschen Gegner ein Tabu bleiben muß. Die Botschaft, die von diesen Gegnern Singers ausgeht - unter ihnen eine Reihe von Philosophieprofessoren -, besteht nicht darin, daß Singer Auffassungen vertritt, die in der Sache hart kritisiert werden müssen, sondern die Botschaft lautet: Man so...

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